Celebrating with our client who found some redress to horrific abuse suffered

We celebrate with our client whose trafficker, Brian Dew Apthorp, was convicted on 2 July 2021 at the Eastern Magistrate’s Court (ESCC 2267/2020) of two counts of indecent assault including (1) having indecently assaulted another person on 11 September 2018; and (2) having indecently assaulted another person between November 2018 and 4 April 2019.  He was sentenced to 30 months imprisonment. Despite the positive result, our client does not believe that the conviction reflects the severity of the crime suffered. This is largely due to the fact that human trafficking is not a criminal offence in Hong Kong. This status quo will be challenged by her in an upcoming judicial review.

Statement from Patricia Ho & Associates




7 March 2021 The Sun HK: Retired British doctor accused of indecent assault on FDH during massage, whipping sessions

2 July 2021 South China Morning Post: US adds national security law to list of concerns as Hong Kong left on annual human-trafficking report’s ‘watch list’

2 July 2021 RTHK: HK govt slams ‘biased’ US human trafficking report

2 July 2021 The Straits Times: Abused domestic worker to challenge Hong Kong's trafficking record

3 July 2021 Taipei Times: Abused domestic worker challenges HK on trafficking

15 July 2021 South China Morning Post: Hong Kong doctor, 83, jailed for molesting his domestic helper in abuse spanning 8 months

2021年7月2日 頭條日報:八旬英籍醫生摸家傭胸指插私處迫手淫還柙 官擬判囚超過1年

2021年7月2日 文匯報: 八旬醫生藉詞身體檢查非禮家傭 罪成還柙候判

2021年7月2日 巴士的報:八旬英籍醫生摸家傭胸指插私處迫手淫還柙 官擬判囚超過1年

2021年7月2日 星島日報: 八旬英籍醫生摸家傭胸指插私處迫手淫還柙 官擬判囚超過1年

2021年7月2日 東網:八旬醫生藉詞身體檢查 指插家傭私處兼摸胸 非禮罪成還押候判

2021年7月3日 昔日東方:兩度非禮家傭 八旬醫生還押候判

2021年7月15日 HK01: 八旬英籍醫生向菲傭說:相信我.我是醫生 藉機非禮 囚30月

2021年7月15日明報: 八旬英籍醫生非禮家傭囚30個月 被告患病申保釋候上訴被拒

2021年7月15日Yahoo: 八旬醫生兩非禮菲傭 官斥違誠信判囚30個月

2021年7月15日 東網:八旬醫生兩非禮菲傭 官斥違誠信判囚30個月


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